Pinfest 2022 Charitable donation
Did you know each year we give all the profits from Pinfest to a local charity?
This year, the Newcastle Pinball Association will be donating the proceeds from Pinfest 2022 to Friends of Palliative Care Inc. and we are proud to be contributing to this worthy cause. AMD, our major sponsor, have generously offered to add a donation of their own.
Friends of Palliative Care is an organisation dedicated to promoting community awareness of palliative care services, helping people living with life-limiting illnesses, and providing much needed support to patients, family, and carers.
Established in 1986, this organisation is run by a passionate and dedicated team of volunteers. They receive no government funding and rely entirely on donations from the community to operate. Working to support their local specialist palliative care service they are able to connect with the people most in need of help across Maitland, Kurri Kurri, Cessnock, Singleton, Dungog and the surrounding areas.
They provide loans of specialist equipment such as electric beds, bed sticks, hospital bed tables, hoists and slings, specialised pressure care mattresses, pressure cushions and many other items. They also provide some financial aid taking care of pharmacy bills and other expenses, and they help finance professional development and education for specialist palliative care staff.
Friends of Palliative Care provide a very important service. Having access to an essential piece of equipment like an electric bed can make the difference between being able to die at home surrounded by familiar things, your pets, and your loved ones or having to spend your last days in a hospital environment.
By coming to Pinfest you will help support this organisation. Find out more on the Friends of Palliative Care Inc Facebook page.